Why is it important to know the basics of photography in order to make a great architectural visuali
What do photographers and visualizers have in common?
Attention is a key to a good picture. To become a photographer, you need to look and see, and then look again harder. To understand what is important, what is beautiful, what is worth to be seen, what is the story of all this.
And when you see the story worth to be told, you begin to create, you begin to draw the perspective, the composition, to emphasize the key elements... All this combining with technical knowledge of your camera and its communication with the environment create a good picture.
Attention is a key to a good architectural visualization. You need to see what this building is about, why it’s beautiful, how you can emphasize its beauty, what benefits you can get from the environment, time of the day, light, materials and etc. What is the story of this render, what do you want the viewer to feel or see?
And then you begin to create: perspective, composition, balance… and your deep technical knowledge is an important tool to get your message across.
Focal length
The longer the focal length of a lens, the narrower its angle of view. Subjects appear larger using long focal length lenses than they do viewing them with our eyes. So with longer focal length you can make the building or its part seems larger than it’s in real life in order to make a better composition. On the contrary with a shorter focal length you can capture more environment and make your building seems smaller.

Shutter speed is responsible for two things: changing the exposure (brightness) of your photo, and effect depth of field. In addition to high exposure, large aperture results in a large amount of both foreground and background blur. This helps bring the attention of the viewer to the subject which is sharp, while the background and foreground are completely out of focus. You can use this effect to emphasize the part of the building or get rid of the distractions in the background.
Shutter speed
Shutter speed is responsible for two things: changing the exposure (brightness) of your photo, and creating dramatic effects by either freezing action (slow shutter speed) or blurring motion (long shutter speed). For example, in addition to high exposure, using long shutter speed, you can create light trails on your render to show the busyness of the neighborhood.

But knowledge of the above basics is not enough, it is very important to know how they interact.
For example, if you increase shutter speed you increase the brightness of your picture and to compensate it you can lower the aperture and thereby balance the light on a render.
It’s useful to know the differences to become better.
Photographer definitely has more limitations than a visualizer. Often a street photography has to wait for the suitable conditions within the frame. While in 3D world the conditions are always the best. It’s a new level of photography. So take advantage of this!
You will definitely improve your renderings knowing how the camera works. On the contrary, poor exposure, or distracting composition will worsen or even can ruin your image.
Knowing the basics of photography will help you to create 3D piece of art!
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